Hair Pull Test: almost 25-50 hairs are grabbed and gently pulled upwards by fingertips to see how many strands are removed in each pull. Normally, several strands are removed, however, if a tuft of hair or more than the normal amount is removed, this indicates there is an abnormal condition; in this case, the hair body and hair root/bottom should be investigated by examining hair follicles under the microscope.
During the hair pull test, if the number of hairs in each pull is 5 and above, increasing of hair loss is caused by “telogen effluvium”. Hair losses caused by telogen effluvium are reversed; because its reasons can be pregnancy, stress, medication use. Such hair losses are seen after 3 months following stress and affect 30% – 50% of the total hair amount. In such case, the daily amount of the loss (normally 50-100 strands) can be 300 strands or more.
Phototrichogram: After clipping strands or cutting hair in a certain area, close-up photos are shot at 3-5 day intervals and growth patterns are examined.
Hair glass: Hair growth is observed within 3-30 days by clipping or by cutting hair in a certain area.
Hair loss caused by an abnormality in the hair growth cycle is less but can be seen at any age. Thyroid diseases, nutritional deficiency, side effects of some medications, anaemia, some systemic diseases and psychological stress are among the factors that may cause hair loss by affecting the hair growth cycle.
Skin biopsy: Although it is rarely required, it may be necessary to define some cicatricial alopecia (hair loss disorders caused by the damaged hair follicles on the scalp) and to diagnose infiltrative skin diseases that may cause hair loss.
Hair evaluation: If an abnormality or infection is suspected in the hair body, the hair will be removed from the scalp and examined under a microscope. Fungal, bacterial or viral infections can cause hair losses which can appear as breakage/disperse in strands.
Hair analysis: It is a laboratory test. Biochemical analysis of hair is carried out to understand the underlying cause of hair body anomalies. It is a reliable test to determine if hair loss is caused by a genetically altered hair-protein structure and/or medications used or heavy metal poisoning. It is not performed to diagnose systemic diseases or to find out nutritional problems.
Thanks Dr. Guven for this excellent blog-post. Learnt something new here:
“If hair follicular grafts are not transplanted at an angle of 30-35 degrees towards the right direction during transplantation, hairs can grow in the wrong direction. It is the main reason of this complication.”
I have yet to come across any website that mentions this issue. It would also help many to learn how to ensure that the surgeon/clinic does infact take care of this issue.