Even if the person is able to return to daily life on the same day, they should pay attention to doctor recommendations.
Oral care with antibiotic treatment and gargle continues after the operation.
Oral care is very important because the person should not be infected in any way. Precautions should be taken against infection.
Since it is possible for the fats taken from mouth become prominent in a short time, the person still needs to take precautions against infection.
Recommendations given by the physician should be put into practice in daily life. Otherwise, a large number of problems might come up.
After the operation, people can return to their daily lives on the same day. The most important thing to be noted is that incision in the mouth is still sutured.
After Hollywood cheek operation, the person should take precautions against infection and stay away from some food. Recommendations to be provided by the doctor should certainly be implemented in daily life.
Sutures will spontaneously be dissolved, and the healing process is completed within 1 week. Sometimes, this period can last up to 10 days.
Therefore, the person should decide by himself/herself and not interfere with the sutures in his/her mouth and should not take any action which may harm this suture.
Otherwise, different problems may come to the stage, which will affect the patient’s life negatively.