Lotions or creams containing Retin-A or glycolic acid as fruit acids are applied on the hands under control of the doctor in sessions.
In this treatment, acid is applied on the hands and peeling is done. This treatment can be performed both gradually in intermittent sessions as well as in a single session.
Afterwards, the treatment is continued with cream and lotions. However, this acid application provides only a little rejuvenation on the skin; but due to the fact that it does not affect molten tissues, the boned appearance of the hands does not fully recover.
For this, tissue injections can be made to these patients.
The veins, which are prominent on the hands, cause an elderly appearance due to their blue colour.
These veins are made invisible by inserting concealer medicines inside the vein with very fine needles, so the veins and this appearance are corrected.
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Hello, you can contact us at [email protected] for your questions.
Hello you remove too fat from the hand? When yes only in the finger ? I want remove fat from the finger and the side of my hand. This is possible and what are the costs?
We can organize a meeting with the doctor for examination and treatment. You can ask him all the details you are curious about during the interview. You can contact us at [email protected] for an appointment.