yüz estetiği

Facial Aesthetics

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Facial aesthetics makes the cheeks, forehead, chin and other parts of the face look more aesthetic.

Some people have too sunken and flat cheeks, while others have too full, plump and swollen cheeks, both of which are undesirable. This is where facial cheek aesthetics can be beneficial.


Excessive Chubby Cheeks

Usually young people have cheeks that are sometimes too puffy. A taut cheek is a sign of youth; but if the amount is too much, it makes some people look overweight, even if they are not overweight. With a simple intervention, some fat tissue is removed from the center of the cheek.

The procedure is very easy and does not prevent returning to work the very next day. By reducing the cheeks, the cheekbones and chin become more prominent. A hollowing is achieved starting from the front of the ear towards the corner of the mouth.

As seen in many famous photomodels, this shape of this area of the face is the most important criterion of facial beauty.

When performing facial aesthetics, starting from the upper part of the face, full and protruding cheekbones, hollow middle part underneath and protruding chin edges at the bottom are very important in terms of providing ideal proportions in facial beauty.

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Cheek Sagging and Drooping

There are many types of injectable fillers used to plump the cheeks at a young age; however, none of them are as effective and permanent as tissue cocktail. Sometimes two or three sessions may be necessary.

In advanced ages, lifting the cheeks and mid-face is now mandatory for treatment. If these fillers are used after the age of 45-50, the area around the mouth and the face swells as if stung by a bee, creating an abnormal appearance on the face that is not natural and anatomical and does not look aesthetic.

Today, many doctors who are not plastic surgeons and who deal with aesthetics continue to use these fillers by convincing patients or scaring them about surgery because they cannot perform surgery.

As a result, abnormal-looking faces that are obvious that aesthetic interventions have been performed appear. Thanks to advancing surgical techniques and optical systems, these surgeries can now be performed minimally invasively with the help of endoscopy (closed surgery) (through small incisions).

Mid-face lift, where the cheeks are lifted up endoscopically, creates a very natural and normal appearance as not only the cheeks but also the tissues under the eyes are corrected. This is one of the most effective treatment methods after the age of 45 and has a very permanent effect that will last for years.

Facelift And Mid-Face Lift Aesthetics

Mid-face lift and facelift aesthetics are used to remove facial sagging, facial fine wrinkles, especially volume loss of cheeks and dropping of cheeks down as a result of aging.

Other reasons include deepening of the two alar-facial grooves and prominent under-eye bags and etc.

Facelift is performed by stretching the face upwards with an incision beginning from the hairline in front of the ear to the lower scalp.

After removal of the excess skin, a youthful facial appearance can be obtained with this surgery.

Of course, in order to get a 100% positive result from this surgery, there should be deformations or defects in the face. In case unnecessary facelift is performed to a face that does not require any surgery, the new appearance will disappear in 1-2 years.

Therefore, if facelift is applied to the patients in full need, our patients can look at least 10-15 years younger.

yüz estetiği fiyatları

Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift

An important part of the face is the cheekbone. Since the buccal adipose tissue sags down, the cheek aesthetics can become indistinct, called the negative vector. In this case, we perform the endoscopic mid-face lift.

It is based on the surgery performed by removing the fat pads after releasing mid-face areas with an incision made into the temporal area along the cheekbone. Rejuvenation of our patient is achieved especially by lifting up the adipose tissue that has sagged down.

We are able to achieve a permanent mid-face rejuvenation by endoscopic mid-face lift, an operation applied by inserting into the temporal area via a camera, shifting all these tissues in place and lifting this area up. Of course, people who are not surgeons are trying to do this treatment with threads we call thread-lift. In fact, since they cannot perform endoscopic mid-face lift, they try to perform thread-lift, but the lifetime of these threads is very short; because we have many facial expressions. Even if thin threads with surgical sutures are used for lifting up, the face is going to return to its old form within 3-6 months due to mimic movements.

People who have experience of plastic surgery and knowledge about facial lift and mid-face lift plastic surgeries do not use and perform thread-lift, because its results last very short. Also, lower eyelid aesthetics and upper eyelid aesthetics can also be performed, if there is loosening in the lower eyelid of patients who have undergone mid-face lift.

Of course, when we insert into the temporal area, an endoscopic forehead lift and eyebrow lift surgery can be combined for the patients who have a sad expression especially in the temporal area or in eyebrows or a drooping eyebrow expression; this surgery can be applied alone in the upper face rejuvenation.

In facial rejuvenation, Botox applications are applied not only to lift eyebrows with the simplest technique, if requested a permanent brow lift, an endoscopic forehead lift or temporal lift procedures can also be performed. With this procedure, all tissues under the eyebrows are separated from the bone and released with an incision made at the temple line.The result of this surgery lasts so long because we can ultimately achieve a youthful upper area and eliminate crow’s feet. In addition to the endoscopic mid-face lift and forehead lift, I would like to mention eyelid aesthetics due to the drooping of upper eyelids.

Upper Eyelid Aesthetics

The excess skin in the upper eyelid causes a fold and sags over eyelashes, resulting in a tired look in our patients. With the removal of this excess skin thoroughly by using these micro-surgical techniques in millimetric sizes, we can make the eyes of our patient look younger and more distinct through eye contour aesthetics.

Double-Chin Aesthetics

Double-chin occurs when excess fat accumulates under the chin, resulting in a double chin appearance in people who have a chubby or plump face. It can be corrected by vaser liposuction.

We dissolve fats by inserting into an incision made at a point under the chin, and then we extract them from the face. We attach a bandage to our patient. This bandage is not removed for almost 10 days and the skin sticks on the upper area since excess fats are extracted. The protruding image under the chin is completely removed

Lower Eyelid Aesthetics

Under-eye bags occurring around the lower eyelid can also be removed by lower eyelid aesthetics. In lower eyelid aesthetics, an incision is made underneath eyelashes. Fat deposits in under-eye bags are shifted inside hollows in the mid-face area and the transition between eyelid and cheeks is corrected.

With the disappearance of hollows in the mid-face, a younger, more dynamic and vivid appearance can be obtained. Now, extracting of fat from eyelids is an outdated technique. When intraocular fats providing an intraocular pressure called orbita are removed, the eyeball falls into the eye socket.

We do not remove fats, but we perform these surgeries by changing the position of fats in order to keep the intraocular pressure. In this way, we prevent the eye from falling into the eye socket. I would like to also mention rhinoplasty, facelift, mid-face lift, jowl aesthetics.

yüz estetiği avantajları nelerdir

Lip Aesthetics

We cannot only perform lip aesthetics with temporal fillers but also lips can be augmented and especially thin lips can be further enhanced by injecting fat into lips, which are extracted from the body or double-chin. We have various materials. They can be rolled and placed inside lips, so lip aesthetics can be provided without extracting any fat from the body.

If lips move up and tooth roots and gums are seen when we smile, we can make the lips longer with the extension of mucosa applications performed inside the mouth, resulting in invisible gums of our patients when smiling.

In patients who have long lips, we can reduce the lip length by removal of some skin from the nasal root. In this way, the reduction of long upper lips leads patients to have a pleasing appearance.

Prominent Ear Aesthetics

The prominent ear is a situation affecting on both sides of our faces and posing a source of mockery, psychological and social disorders in especially children at young ages. In prominent ear cheek aesthetics, we perform the folding procedure by making an incision on the back surface of the ear.

We apply this surgery with permanent threads, and in this way, the ear can be corrected by keeping a bandage for 3 weeks.


2 Comments to “ What are Facial Aesthetic Methods?”
  1. Paula says :Reply

    Hello am.intersted sounds a good alternative
    So what about scars whould i still have scars

    1. Doç. Dr. Erdem Güven says :Reply

      Hello, you can contact us at [email protected] for your questions

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